Speak up about psoriasis.
You deserve to feel confident in your skin, but how do you have a clear conversation about your psoriasis goals with your dermatologist?
Sometimes, speaking up can be the hardest part. On this website, you will find useful information and resources to support you on your psoriasis journey, including tips on how to effectively communicate your experience and management goals with your dermatologist.

Prepare to Speak Up
If you feel ready to speak to your dermatologist, let’s prepare for the conversation. Use the Discussion Guide below to create your personalised guide, so you can make the most out of your visit.
See how others
are speaking up
You’re not alone in your psoriasis journey. See how other people are navigating their diagnosis and finding hope to move forward.
Perspectives on Psoriasis
Explore a series of articles that share perspectives on living with and caring for psoriasis.